Friday, January 22, 2010

Marine Boot Camp Training What Is The Difference Between Marine Boot Camp And Basic Training?

What is the difference between marine Boot camp and basic training? - marine boot camp training

What are they?
What must first recruit?


Dozer said...

Like everyone else has, "he said. Marines call camp. It's like 13 weeks. In the army, and called to basic training. After the work is done in the army depends on how long you in basic training. Each task requires 9 weeks training, and how many weeks of training for the individual work areas. Infantry Training takes 14 weeks. A decline in a long time. Enjoy!

quelisto said...

The level of expectation.

It can not be a Marine when this box is not (there are bodies representing the formal basis in other areas), and about 2 / 3 no.

THOMAS A said...

MARINA Boot Camp is the toughest around and is the only basic training, if he decides not always go to another branch membership by these basic
only 2-3 weeks after the meeting, orientation and training.

other sectors to the call of his training camp for basic training.

Wiz said...

Maritime Training Boot Camp is easy. It's just that the Marine Corps training base Boot Camp and all other services called call-basic training.

nature lover said...

They are the same. Marines training camp called the Air Force basic training. That's where the similarity, but all ends.

Tiffany M said...

Well, because my husband is a sailor, I'll tell you what to do ...
First go boot camp or base when I was finished, proceed to so-called TCP (combat training at sea) and then you go to MOS school (or tasks) for the training in their domain.

lilliesw... said...

All Marines through Boot Camp. All other services require basic training. One of the basic training Air Force and Marine Corps boot camp is the same as that between day and night.

25 years retired Navy CWO

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