Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wireless Modem Wireless Modem?

Wireless modem? - wireless modem

I have a wireless modem with 4 ports, but not using wireless .... 2 ports are in my office together and the question of security ps3.My my modem? Is it safe to use but not for all wireless applications? Thanks in advance


Tracy L said...

When the radio is on and is not guaranteed, it is not safe! This means that anyone who takes the signal can be connected and therefore they have "connected" to their network.

To be sure, disable the wireless functions when they are not needed. (Generally, it is selecting a check box or item in the modem configuration).
If the wireless is turned on, always make sure that security is enabled and configured for WPA (if applicable) or at least 128 WEP (not sure yet, but enough to most of the outside).

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