Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ewcm How Reliable Is It How Long After EWCM Do You Actually Ovulate?

How long after EWCM do you actually ovulate? - ewcm how reliable is it

I had EWCM on Saturday - was the clearest and stretchiest and had stopped the next day.
So when ovulation - Saturday or Sunday?


HONEYB1 said...

In fact, you should ovulate on the day after the last day of EWCM. So, for you must be Sunday. Therefore, we say that the days before ovulation, probably design because it is the best ratio quality / cm fertile sperm for help. I would say it was a Sunday! Best wishes!

Samantha said...

I EWCM IO 3-4 days before, but usually when actually drying O.

They are actually very productive for a few (2-5) days before ovulation.

Eggs are good for 12 hours, but swimmers can live up to one week.

Here's an interesting site,

Anne F said...

More than likely, Friday Saturday .. But maybe the egg is 48 hours long so well if you had sex from Thursday to Sunday, chances are good .. Sperm can for a few days and good luck to live ..

akbutner... said...

I say sometimes Saturday or Sunday morning. Saturday was sitting the day out and her most fertile cervical mucus.

blushing bride said...

I read it and a Web site, said that in general, ovulation, the last day of class that you are EWCM

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